Plastic Surgery

What is plastic Surgery?

Plastic surgery is a specialized surgical medical discipline. It is rooted in the art of reshaping and restoring form and function of various bodily and facial features, aimed at helping individuals to look and function their best. The term “plastic” comes from the Greek word “plastikos” which means “to mold” or to “shape”.

Cosmetic or Aesthetic Plastic Surgery

The most known and is dedicated to enhancing a person’s physical appearance to boost confidence and self-esteem. Cosmetic Plastic Surgery includes procedures like Facelifts, Neck Lifts, Eyebrow Lifts, and Eyelid corrections, but also abdominoplasties, liposuctions, and breast augmentations.

Reconstructive Plastic Surgery

Focuses on restoring form and function to individuals who have congenital deformities, deformities caused by medical conditions or trauma. Common procedures include reconstruction after cancer surgery, like partial facial (cheek, nose, jaw,…) reconstructions, breast reconstructions, and limb reconstructions, but also the correction of congenital deformities, like clefts or vascular deformities.

Hand Surgery

Is also performed by plastic surgeons specialized in that field, which is less known. The Hand Surgeons are experts in treating hand injuries and conditions, ensuring patients regain functions.

burn care

Surgeons play a pivotal role in burn treatment and scar management, helping burn survivors recover both physically and emotionally.

What is cosmetic surgery?

Cosmetic Surgery or Aesthetic Surgery is the most known performed Plastic Surgery. It is dedicated to enhancing a person’s physical appearance to boost confidence and self-esteem. Cosmetic Plastic Surgery includes procedures like Facelifts, Neck Lifts, Eyebrow Lifts, and Eyelid corrections, but also abdominoplasties, liposuctions, and breast augmentations. Various doctors offer cosmetic surgical procedures, but it is very important to check certain credentials before choosing your doctor to ensure safety, and excellent long-lasting satisfying results. Board-certified expertise with extensive training, accredited facilities, anesthesia expertise, surgical precision, infection control and good postoperative care are essential requirements.

What is a facial plastic surgeon?    

Facial Plastic Surgeon offers cosmetic or reconstructive surgical care to the face, head, and neck. They have a profound knowledge in the anatomy of the head, face and neck, and understand the individual nuances and can provide precise, personalized solutions to address your specific concerns. To become a facial plastic surgeon, one must complete rigorous training, including medical school, residency, and fellowship programs. This specialized education ensures they are well-equipped to perform safe and effective facial procedures. They are also often the experts that perform secondary facial procedures like redo-facelift, or they are the ones that resolve complications from others.

What is a cosmetic doctor?

A cosmetic doctor, also known as an aesthetic physician, is a medical professional with a specialized training of 3 years and expertise mainly in non-surgical cosmetic procedures. These non-surgical cosmetic procedures have their limits in what they can achieve, and often must be repeated since they don’t give long-lasting results. When these conservative procedures don’t help enough anymore or more long-lasting results are desired (10-15 years), surgical cosmetic corrections are the next step. Preferably these cosmetic procedures like a Facelift, Neck Lift, Eyebrow Lift or Eyelid corrections are performed by a specialized Facial Plastic Surgeon. Facial Plastic Surgeons have had an extensive surgical training of at least 6 years.

What is the price of cosmetic surgery?

The cost of cosmetic plastic surgery can vary widely depending on several factors, including the type of procedure, the surgeon's experience and reputation, the geographic location of the surgical facility, and the extent of the surgery. Highly experienced and renowned plastic surgeons often charge more for their services. However, their expertise can be worth the investment to ensure the best possible results. It’s essential to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon for a personalized evaluation and cost estimate for your specific procedure. They can provide you with a detailed breakdown of the expenses involved and discuss financing options if needed.

Keep in mind that while cost is a factor to consider, choosing a qualified and reputable surgeon is crucial to achieving safe and satisfying excellent results in plastic surgery; quality matters. 
We understand the significance of meticulous surgical planning, precise execution, and compassionate aftercare. Our commitment to our patients' well-being extends beyond the operating room.


The required surgical facilities, whether in a hospital or outpatient surgery center, have associated fees that contribute to the overall cost of the surgery.


The type of procedure you’re considering is a primary factor in determining the cost. There are different types of Facelift, Neck lift, Eyebrow lift and Eyelid procedures which each have their own pricing structures. There is also a difference in the duration of the effect; for example a deep plane facelift has long-lasting results up to 10-15 years.

Anesthesia fees

If your procedure requires anesthesia, the cost will depend on the type of anesthesia used and the duration of the surgery.

Plastic surgery
The Hague, Wassenaar, Leiden, Amsterdam, Hilversum


What plastic surgery is covered by health care insurance?

In the Netherlands, coverage for plastic surgery is subject to specific criteria and guidelines. It is primarily determined by medical necessity rather than cosmetic enhancement. This means that procedures performed solely for aesthetic reasons are generally not covered by the national healthcare system (Basisverzekering).
Covered Procedures
Plastic surgery procedures that address medical conditions, congenital anomalies, or traumatic injuries are typically eligible for healthcare coverage. Examples include breast reconstruction after mastectomy, correction of birth defects, or surgery to repair injuries resulting from accidents.
Cosmetic Procedures
Procedures that are purely cosmetic in nature, such as facelifts, liposuction, and breast augmentation for aesthetic reasons, are typically not covered by healthcare insurance in the Netherlands. These procedures are considered elective and are the financial responsibility of the patient.

Is plastic surgery safe?

Plastic Surgery is a widely recognized and respected medical field with a strong emphasis on patient safety. When performed by qualified, board-certified plastic surgeons and within accredited facilities, plastic surgery is generally considered safe. Here's why:
Board certified expertise
Reputable plastic surgeons undergo extensive training of at least 6 years, including medical school, residency, and specialized plastic surgery fellowships. They are certified by respected medical boards, ensuring their competence and adherence to high standards.
Accredited Facilities
Plastic Surgery procedures are typically performed in accredited hospitals, surgical centers, or medical offices. These facilities adhere to strict safety standards, including sanitation protocols and emergency preparedness.
Preoperative Evaluations
Patients undergo thorough preoperative evaluations to assess their overall health and suitability for surgery. This includes reviewing medical history, conducting physical exams, and ordering necessary tests.
Anesthesia Expertise
Board-certified anesthesiologists or certified nurse anesthetists administer anesthesia during surgical procedures, carefully monitoring patients throughout the surgery.
Surgical Precision
Plastic surgeons employ advanced surgical techniques and technologies to minimize risks, optimize outcomes, and ensure patient safety.
Infection Control
Plastic surgeons employ advanced surgical techniques and technologies to minimize risks, optimize outcomes, and ensure patient safety.
Post-operative Care
Plastic surgeons employ advanced surgical techniques and technologies to minimize risks, optimize outcomes, and ensure patient safety.
Patient Education
Patients are educated about the risks, benefits, and expected outcomes of their chosen procedure, enabling them to make informed decisions.

Who is the best plastic surgeon of The Netherlands?

When it comes to enhancing your natural beauty and regaining your confidence, finding the best plastic surgeon of the Netherlands is a top priority.It is important that the plastic surgeon is board certified, ensuring they have undergone rigorous training, and adhere to the highest standards of patient care and safety. Profound knowledge of the anatomy, the different surgical techniques, the latest innovations, and how to deal with possible complications are mandatory.

Especially the latter is an important topic, because not all doctors offering plastic surgery procedures can deal with the complications they cause. Unfortunately, regularly I see patients who seek my help due to unresolved complications, and unsatisfactory results, requiring secondary surgeries. An excellent skilled aesthetic plastic surgeon understands the significance of meticulous surgical planning, precise execution, and compassionate aftercare. It is important to have commitment to clients’ and patients' well-being extending beyond the operating room.

Plastic surgery
The Hague, Wassenaar, Leiden, Amsterdam, Hilversum

I offer premier plastic surgery services in the area of The Hague, Wassenaar, Leiden, Amsterdam and Hilversum. As a board-certified expert in aesthetic plastic surgery, I am dedicated to help you achieve the natural-looking transformative results you desire. With years of experience and a commitment to patient safety and satisfaction, I am specialized in facelifts, neck lifts, eyebrow lifts, and eyelid corrections, that provide a refreshed, youthful appearance while preserving your unique facial features.
Plastic surgery The Hague
In the area of the Hague and Wassenaar I perform outpatient clinics and small surgeries.
Plastic surgery LEIDEN
In the area of Leiden I perform outpatient clinics, small surgeries, and surgeries under general anesthesia.
Plastic surgery AMSTERDAM
In the area of Amsterdam I perform outpatient clinics, and small surgeries.
Plastic surgery HILVERSUM
In the area of Hilversum I perform surgeries under general anesthesia